Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Photo Op

I love taking pictures.   Every year I enjoy piecing together a scrapbook of our memories.  Usually the pictures from January are snow-filled adventures.  With the lack of snow this year, I realized my camera was getting dusty.  So here are some pictures from an ordinary weekend at our house. 

Friday night: Family movie night.  We watched Prince of Persia but I don't recommend it.  It was long with not enough plot and too many "action" scenes:  people jumping off buildings and chasing each other.  The best part snuggling up in our pjs and making fun of the filming.  "Oh look, more jumping off buildings." "Oh, look, more chasing." 

At one point, our DVD player froze and we wasted too much time fiddling around trying to make it work.  We finally gave up and skipped one scene altogether.  Apparently, it was a pivotal peak in the action.  So, if you already suffered through Prince of Persia, let me know what happened in scene 19.  Um, never mind.  I don't actually care.
Saturday: No snow yet, but this weekend we had a real cold snap with lots of wind.  The perfect excuse to stay inside and eat a lot of cookies.  Katherine sold 315 boxes of Girl Scout cookies this year and they have arrived.  We spent part of the weekend sorting orders for delivery. 

One of Jack's Christmas presents this year was a puzzle.  The front of the box looked like this:

When we dumped the 1000 pieces out onto the kitchen table, we soon realized the puzzle did not match the box.  At all.  Hmmm.  It appears to be some sort of Mediterranean scene with colorful houses, cliffs and water.  After diligent perseverance, Jack celebrated by putting in the final 997th piece.  Along the way it seems that a few pieces were knocked to the floor.  Maybe they'll turn up.  Maybe Tatum ate them. 

Sunday: February 14 is fast approaching and Katherine loves holidays.  She invited some friends over for a Valentine themed cookie exchange and party.  She cleaned up the basement, baked cookies and decorated with red streamers.  Look at all the cookies!

 Bonus: At Sunday morning's church service, they made an announcement about a few leftover Christmas flowers up for grabs.  As we all know, Katherine loves useful, free stuff!  See our new festive Valentine's poinsettias in the background of the next picture.

Some weekends are extraordinary.  Some weekends are just extra ordinary.   This weekend I reminded myself that I don't have to wait for the big events in life to pull out my camera.  Life is always a photo op.

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