Thursday, April 30, 2020

PSA: It's May

Public Service Announcement: Tomorrow is May 1. I thought I should let you know since May is shaping up to be, well, a lot like April. And the second half of March.  Is anyone else out there freaking out a little about entering this new month? March was all about "look for the silver lining" and "we're all in this together." Now it's the end of April and I still haven't learned how to play a new instrument or mastered a fancy cooking technique but I have watched Jimmy Fallon eating potato chips and Pepsi for breakfast. Connection, Jimmy. I think we are all starting to crack.

Do you wake up and feel like Bill Murray in Groundhod Day and there's "I Got You Babe," playing on the bedside clock radio? In order to survive May and avoid the monotony of all the days seeming the same, I recommend giving each day a theme:

Manic Monday: Mondays are the perfect day to panic when you realize there's another full week ahead of you. I like to take an inventory of my dwindling supply of toilet paper and do the math to see how many days worth we have left. Peeking in my pantry is another fun activity to raise anxiety.  I wonder what I can whip up with olives and bulgur wheat...

Try again Tuesday: On Tuesdays, I look at the list of productive ideas I made and wonder what the heck I did all day yesterday and why I didn't make time to DO any of these? And then I remember that counting the olives in the jar did take up a substantial part of my day. Tuesday's a much better day to start my replica of the space shuttle made entirely out of toothpicks.

What Day is it Wednesday? I considered calling this Wine Down Wednesday but since every day feels like Blursday, I might get confused and end up drinking every day.  I like to write "Figure out what day it is" on my list of things to do. Once I figure out it's Wednesday, I know what day it is AND I can cross something off my list. Knowledge and productivity! Win-Win!

Thrifty Thursday: On Thursdays I like to DIY to save a little money. Who needs a professional haircut when you've got a pair of purple scissors in your school box?

Freshen Up Friday: Usually I know it's Friday by giving my armpits the old sniff test. Whew, it must be time for a shower. Sometimes I go a little crazy and put on jeans and a t-shirt instead of leggings and a bathrobe. It's the weekend, a girl's gotta live a little! Come to think of it, might be time to wash the bathrobe too.

Same Day Saturday:  Surprisingly, my Saturdays now look very similar to Saturdays in my old life. The pandemic hasn't put a pause on my weekend chores. I like to give myself little challenges, like can I clean the entire kitchen with 1/3 of a Clorox wipe? I reward myself with some mindless drivel on Netflix when I'm done.

Sleep In Sunday: After exerting myself yesterday and binge watching too many episodes of Tiger King, Sundays are the perfect days to sleep in and recharge.  We've got a full week ahead!

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